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Side Platform for Bowsprits

New from Batsystem, a Side Platform for mounting onto modern sail-boats with an integrated bowsprit….


New from Batsystem, a Side Platform for mounting onto modern sail-boats with an integrated bowsprit.

The Side Platform comes with 2 hook fittings, allowing you to easily hook the Side Platform on/off as required. Along with mounting screws and adjustable supports. The Blackline surface is an industrially treated marine laminate, which is fitted onto 316 stainless steel fittings, hand polished for the best finish.

You can complete the Side Platform with one of our Hook ladders, for added safety when boarding/disembarking. (Hook ladders can be purchased separately see ‘Deck Hardware’)

Dimensions – 443mm x 459mm

SKU 14-SP50 Categories , ,


Available to order